A quick blog post to share a bash script that I almost use daily to automate the basic GitHub “commit and push” prcoess. Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a file, for example codecommit.sh and copy/paste the content below:


#Get the argument message
#read -p "Add Commit message: " message
read -p "$(echo -e $BOLD$YELLOW"Add Commit message: "$RESET)" message

#Stage all changes
git add .

#Commit the file(s)
git commit -m "$message"
echo "Added the commit with message: '$message'"

#Get current branch and push changes
current_branch=$(git branch --show-current)
git push origin "$current_branch"

#echo "Pushed changes to '$current_branch' branch"
echo -e $BOLD$YELLOW"Pushed changes to '$current_branch' branch"$RESET
  • Move it to the location /usr/local/bin to make this shell script global. MacOS has it in the PATH by default. You can verify this by typing echo $PATH in the terminal.
  • Make this file executable using chmod +x codecommit.sh
  • Make needful local changes
  • Type codecommit.sh and voila!

Feel free to comment below for questions/suggestions.