This article is about the Ansible URI module. In the last couple of months, I have spent a lot of time around automation of Elasticsearch and wanted to share some useful information about how to use Ansible to interact with REST API endpoints and making them idempotent.
We all know Ansible modules are ideompotent in nature which means performing an operation once is exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening actions. However, sometimes making the tasks idempotent requires additional work, for instance, in URI modulde we have to decide when to use POST or PUT calls.
Difference between POST and PUT?
and PUT
are used to send data to a server to create/update a resource. The difference between POST and PUT is that PUT requests are idempotent. That is, calling the same PUT request multiple times will always produce the same result. In contrast, calling a POST request repeatedly have side effects of creating the same resource multiple times or failing with an error message that the resource already exists.
Let’s start with the playbook:
- name: Kibana Fleet tasks
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- fleet
Directory Stucture of the fleet
├── tasks # Includes Ansible tasks using the URI module
├── policies # Fleet policies
└── vars # Variables
Variables main.yml
in the vars directory:
kibana_url: https://<KIBANA_URL>:5601
fleet_username: <FLEET_USERNAME>
fleet_password: <FLEET_PASSWORD>
force_basic_auth: true
validate_certs: false
"name": "elasticagent",
"description": "Elastic-Agent Endpoints",
"namespace": "default",
"monitoring_enabled": [
Below are the List Policies related tasks under the tasks
directory. We are making the GET
call first to list the exisitng policies, so that later we can make a decisin based on the response of GET call, if we need to create a new policy or update an existing policy. For the new policies, we have created a new variable called policies_to_create
based on the template files in the directory called policies.
Later, we ran a delta using the difference
filter between the two two variables policies_to_create
& policies_to_update
. Result of this will the policies that we need to create.
More on difference filter:
- name: List Policies
url: "{{ kibana_url }}/api/fleet/agent_policies"
method: GET
body_format: json
status_code: [200]
user: "{{ fleet_username }}"
password: "{{ fleet_password }}"
force_basic_auth: "{{ force_basic_auth }}"
validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"
kbn-xsrf: "true"
ignore_errors: true
register: list_policies_response
- name: Extract all policies from the list_policies_response
policies: "{{ policies | default({}) | combine({}) }}"
policies_to_update: "{{ policies_to_update | default([]) + [] }}"
with_items: "{{ list_policies_response | json_query('json.items') }}"
- name: Extract all policies_to_create from the folder "policies/*.json"
policies_to_create: "{{ policies_to_create | default([]) + [item | basename | splitext | first] }}"
with_fileglob: "policies/*.json"
- name: Gather all policies that need to be created
policies_to_create: "{{ policies_to_create | difference(policies_to_update) | list }}"
- policies_to_update is defined
- policies_to_update != []
- Create or Update Policies
Based on the two variables policies_to_create
& policies_to_update
, we group our create and update tasks into two blocks.
- name: Print required variables
- "policies_to_create -- {{ policies_to_create | default([]) }}"
- "policies_to_update -- {{ policies_to_update | default([]) }}"
- name: A group of tasks to be executed when policies_to_create is defined
- policies_to_create is defined
- policies_to_create != []
- name: Create Agent Policies
url: "{{ kibana_url }}/api/fleet/agent_policies"
method: POST
body_format: json
body: "{{ lookup('file', 'policies/{{ item }}.json') }}"
status_code: [200]
user: "{{ fleet_username }}"
password: "{{ fleet_password }}"
force_basic_auth: "{{ force_basic_auth }}"
validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"
kbn-xsrf: "true"
ignore_errors: true
register: agent_policies_response
with_items: "{{ policies_to_create }}"
- name: Response
msg: "{{ agent_policies_response }}"
- name: Extract the policy_ids from the agent_policies_response variable
policy_ids: "{{ policy_ids | default({}) | combine ({item.0 : item.1}) }}"
- "{{ agent_policies_response | json_query('results[*]') }}"
- "{{ agent_policies_response | json_query('results[*]') }}"
- name: Debug
msg: "POLICY IDS - {{ policy_ids }}"
- name: A group of tasks to be executed when policies_to_update is defined
- policies_to_update is defined
- policies_to_update != []
- name: Update Agent Policies
url: "{{ kibana_url }}/api/fleet/agent_policies/{{ policies | json_query(item) }}"
method: PUT
body_format: json
body: "{{ lookup('file', 'policies/{{ item }}.json') }}"
status_code: [200]
user: "{{ fleet_username }}"
password: "{{ fleet_password }}"
force_basic_auth: "{{ force_basic_auth }}"
validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"
kbn-xsrf: "true"
ignore_errors: true
register: agent_policies_response
with_items: "{{ policies_to_update }}"
- name: Response
msg: "{{ agent_policies_response }}"
- name: Extract the policy_ids from the agent_policies_response variable
policy_ids: "{{ policy_ids | default({}) | combine ({item.0 : item.1}) }}"
- "{{ agent_policies_response | json_query('results[*]') }}"
- "{{ agent_policies_response | json_query('results[*]') }}"
- name: Debug
msg: "POLICY IDS - {{ policy_ids }}"
Note: As we can see there are some repeated code between two blocks for module
, I tried to move this code outside of the block to keep the code clean, but the variable value is still being updated when the tasks are being skipped.
Ansible documentation on condtionals states “Ansible always registers something in a registered variable for every host, even on hosts where a task fails or Ansible skips a task because a condition is not met.”
Is this the best approach to make API calls idempotent, not sure. These are several things can be improved, but for now this is good enough for our use case. One of the short-coming is if a user creates a Fleet policy through Kibana console, and we run this role again, it will fail, as it will attempt to update the existing policy, but will not find the policy in the policies directory or in the code itself.
Hope you find this post helpful.